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Labels and label categories

Set up labels and label categories

Updated over a week ago


A label is a way of classifying and naming the key items on the Railnova platform. A label could be an asset, a user, a maintainer, a device, a client,...

Adding a label to an asset (e.g. maintainer, client,...) doesn't share the asset with that company. As the asset's admin, you can share it with other companies and make it visible to them on the platform.

Labels can be static or change daily and are gathered within label categories. As an administrator, you can create labels in the administration panel.

Please note that labels are specific to each company and can't be shared.

If your company is a free plan customer without an administrator, your company can't use labels and label categories on the Operational Dashboard.

Creating a new label

Go to the Railfleet section and click “Label -> Labels” to see an overview of your labels. 

If the label you need doesn't exist, click on the green "Add label" button on the top right of your screen.

You can then complete the form on the next page:

  • Give your label a name (e.g. the name of one of your maintainers, a client or an asset)

  • Choose the assets you wish to add to this label by selecting the asset and clicking on the arrow that points to the right (e.g. add all the assets the maintainer is responsible for) 

  • If necessary, select the people within your company and at partner companies that need to receive notifications based on this label in the “Users list” or in the “Contact list”.   

  • If necessary, add zones that should be linked to the label.

Modifying a label

To modify a label, go to the administration page in the "Labels" category. Click on the label name you wish to modify and save your changes once done.

Using labels

Labels are mainly used for maintenance notifications and geographical zones. When a label (e.g. a maintainer) is associated with a user or a contact list, anything regarding this label will be communicated to the user or contact list. 

Labels defined on users and contact lists are used to define the routing rules for notifications. 

Here are a couple of examples of how you can use labels and label categories:

  • You can define a "client-traffic" category and a list of traffic labels within that category to track which locomotive is currently serving which client traffic, and who you want to contact regarding that client traffic.

  • You can define a ‘Maintainer' category and a list of maintainer labels within that category to track which maintainer is responsible for maintaining which locomotive and who you want to contact regarding that maintainer.

Note that you can use the "Homologation" feature to track what certification is granted to which asset. Please read this article if you want to learn more about homologations and how to implement them.

Label categories

A label category is an overarching structure consisting of a group of labels with a common element. A label category can be “Client”, for instance. The labels within that category would all be clients (client A, client B, client C, …). In the category “Maintainer”, you’d put all your maintainers; in the category "Lessor", operators can add all the lessors they're leasing locomotives from.

As a Railnova administrator, you can create and modify label categories in the administration panel.

Creating a new category

Creating a new category is easy: go to the administration page and scroll down to the “Labels” section. Then click on the “add” link next to “Categories”. 

On the next page, you’ll need to complete the following steps:

  • Give your category a name

  • Add a description to your category (optional)

  • Select “Unique” if only one label within the category can be applied to an item at a given moment. (e.g. "Maintainer" would be a unique category as there’s only one maintainer responsible for a locomotive at a given time.) Multiple labels from the same category can be applied to an asset if you don't select this option.

  • Select the option “is operational” if you wish to see the labels from the category in the operational view, and "is editable on operational" if you also want to be able to edit them directly on the operational dashboard. This is useful for data that changes very often.

  • Select "is event related" if necessary.

Once the category has been created, you can start adding labels.

Modifying a category

To modify a category, go to the administration page in the "Categories" section. Click on the category name you wish to modify and save your changes once done.

Using categories

If you checked the option to show the category and make it editable in the operational view, it will appear on the Operational dashboard for the relevant assets. From there, you can modify the labels of those assets: click on the labels field, then select the relevant label(s). 


Do you still have questions? Go to the Railnova platform and click "Contact us" for help!

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