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Set up homologations ("aptitudes")

Updated over a week ago

Homologations, or "aptitudes", are a major upgrade to the Label system, specifically to help track where a train can or can't go (countries, specific lines, etc.). This new feature better supports a previous use-case many customers implemented through the Label feature.

These homologations let you define an asset's limitations of areas or routes it is allowed (or not allowed) to traverse. These areas can be anything, such as countries or any other custom "target" you can define yourself, for example, a specific line, a region. etc.

Homologations are available in the admin menu:

In the context of homologations:

  • "Aptitude" = A True/False value, denoting whether the homologation is in a state where the asset is currently "allowed" or "denied" to be present on the target

  • "Target" = The geographical object where the asset is homologated or not

  • "Country" = A target which spans a country (pre-defined list in the application)

  • "Other" = Any other target which is not a country (defined by yourself)

Updating the user roles to manage, activate, or deactivate homologations

Country homologations are available as a standard feature and can only be added by an administrator of the asset's ECM on the asset page in the admin menu.

If you want to create other homologations and/or activate and deactivate them directly on the operational dashboard, please make sure that you update the roles of the appropriate users within your company accordingly.

As an administrator for your company, you can create and modify roles in the admin under Company -> Roles. You can check this article for further information about roles and permissions.

Once you're on the page of the role you'd like to modify, scroll down to "Homologations", tick the appropriate permissions as needed, and then save your modifications.

  • Homologation admin other: This allows the user to view and manage (create, update, delete) homologations other than countries.

  • Homologation aptitude set true: This allows the user to reactivate a homologation on the Operational Dashboard.

  • Homologation aptitude set false: This allows the user to deactivate a homologation on the Operational Dashboard.

Every user with that role will have access to the activated features. If you only want specific users to have one or several of these permissions, you will have to create a new role for them.

Note that only the asset's ECM can add homologations to the asset. If you have the appropriate permission ("Homologation admin other"), you can create other homologations yourself and then add them to the assets.

Creating a new homologation

Country homologations are already predefined in the system. If you need to add further countries, please contact Support via the chat function on the platform and let us know which countries to add.

Homologations other than countries can be added via the admin if your role has the option "Homologation admin other" ticked.

Navigate to "Other Homologation Targets", then click on "Add Other Homologation Target" at the top right of the page:

Your company will automatically be selected. Enter a name for your homologation, then save it:

Adding homologations to assets

Once your homologations are set up, you can add them to your assets. Go to the Assets -> Assets menu, search for your asset, and click on it to access its page.

You can only add homologations if your company is the ECM of the asset.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Add another Country Homologation" to add a country or on "Add another Other Homologation" to add one of your homologations. After you've added all the necessary homologations, click "Save" at the top right corner to save your modifications.

When you add homologations to assets, they are visible to the companies the assets are shared with.

Viewing homologations on the platform

The homologation labels have also been integrated into the maintenance features and are visible on other pages, such as the Operational Dashboard or the Driver Logbook.

A new filter has also been added to the Operational Dashboard, allowing you to filter assets by aptitudes (homologations).

Operational Dashboard view:

Digital Logbook view:

Modifying homologations

As the asset's ECM, you can always add or remove homologations directly on the asset page in the admin.

If your role has permission to activate and/or deactivate homologations, you can do so on the Operational Dashboard.

Click on the pen at the top right corner of the aptitude column. A window opens on the right with the currently assigned homologations.

Click on the green tick to deactivate the homologation or click on the red cross to reactivate it.

Click on the blue button "Update aptitudes" to save your changes.

Note that you can only reactivate or deactivate aptitudes currently assigned to an asset, but you cannot add a homologation on the Dashboard page. An administrator of the asset's ECM must add any new homologation directly on the asset page.


Do you still have questions? Go to the Railnova platform and click "Contact us" for help!

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