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Maintenance events and interventions
Maintenance events and interventions

Manage events and interventions on the Operational Dashboard

Updated over a month ago

The "Operational dashboard" not only gives you a complete overview of your fleet's health and availability, but it’s also a powerful tool to manage your maintenance planning workflow

The dashboard allows you to plan maintenance interventions, preventive maintenance events, or corrective events based on manually reported defects by colleagues or partners. From there, you can schedule and prepare for the actual maintenance.

Creating a new event

To create an event, go to the Operational Dashboard, open the detailed view of the asset and go to the tab "Events".

On the overview, you can see all events that are unplanned, due, planned, overdue or closed.

You can create a new event by clicking on the blue button in the upper right corner of the page called "Create corrective event".

You can choose the type of event you would like to create by opening the drop-down list of the button:

  • create corrective event

  • create preventive event

Creating a corrective event (defect report)

After selecting "Create corrective event" from the dropdown list, you'll be led to a new window where you can fill in the form to create the new corrective event. Note that this form is the same as the defect report form.

The asset and the maintenance type have already been predefined, and the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Please add the following information:

  • the location of the incident

  • a description

  • the impact of the event on current traffic (no impact, train cancelled, train delayed, rescue request)

  • the impact of the event on the status (operational, degraded mode, immobilised)

Furthermore, you can upload documents to the event or add one or more restrictions related to the event.

When you have finalised and included all information about your event, don't forget to save it by clicking on the "Create event" button. Once you’ve created a new event, it will be visible to all your colleagues and anyone with the necessary access and permissions immediately.

Additional defect report fields

Note that the ECM of the asset you're creating a corrective event for may have created custom fields that are not mentioned above. In that case, please fill in these additional fields accordingly. Any field with an asterisk is mandatory.

If you're unsure of what to select or write in these additional fields, please get in touch with the ECM of the asset directly.

Creating a preventive event

After selecting "Create preventive event" from the list, you'll be led to a new window where you can fill in the form to create the new preventive event. The asset and the maintenance type have already been predefined and the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Please define:

  • Component (optional)

  • Description

  • Scheduling mode (choose between static due date or counter-based due date)

  • When static due date: set up the date of your choice and add a tolerance date (optional) and date limit (optional)

When you have finalised and included all information about your event, don't forget to save it by clicking on the "Create event" button. Once you’ve created a new event, it will be visible to all your colleagues and anyone with the necessary access and permissions immediately.

Creating an intervention

To create a new maintenance intervention on the Railnova platform, open the detailed view of an asset and head over to the “Events” tab. Select all the events that should be part of the new intervention using the checkboxes on the right-hand side. Note that you can add campaign, preventive and corrective events to the same intervention.

Click on the blue “Create intervention” button and fill out the form to plan the intervention.

  • Choose the intervention type (mobile team or workshop)

  • Assign it to your preferred workshop from the dropdown list (the list of your preferred workshops can be created here)

  • Define the planned start and end dates

  • Choose the intervention location from the dropdown list after you selected the workshop

  • Add a comment to the intervention (text field)

The selected events that belong to the intervention are listed under the section "Selected events" below.

You have the option to save the intervention as unconfirmed, and tentatively block time slots in the planning. The intervention remains in the planning view but is visually differentiated, indicating it’s awaiting confirmation.

If the time slot is already confirmed, you can simply save your intervention by clicking on the "Create intervention" button. Once you’ve created a new intervention, it will be visible to all your colleagues and anyone with the necessary access and permissions immediately.

Confirming an intervention

Once the workshop approves the date, the intervention can be confirmed seamlessly. Open the unconfirmed intervention and click on "Confirm the intervention".

The state will change from "unconfirmed" to "planned".

Additional intervention fields

Note that the ECM of the asset you're creating an intervention for may have created custom fields that are not mentioned above. In that case, please fill in these additional fields accordingly. Any field with an asterisk is mandatory.

If you're unsure of what to select or write in these additional fields, please get in touch with the ECM of the asset directly.

Assigned to

Please note that the workshops in the dropdown list are created by the ECM of the vehicle.

Can't you find the right workshop in the dropdown list for "Assigned to"? No problem! If you are the ECM of the vehicle, just go to the administration panel and stay on the asset admin site.

Scroll down to the maintenance section, then look for Workshops and click "View" to see all workshops created by your company.

If the one you're looking for is not on the list, just click on the green "Add workshops" and create a new one.

If you don't have admin rights to access the administration panel please contact your company admin and ask him to create the workshop for you.

If your company is not the ECM of the vehicle, please contact the company's admin, who is registered as ECM of the vehicle on the Railnova platform.

Editing an existing intervention

If you wish to edit one of the interventions you created earlier, go to the "interventions" tab in the detailed view of the asset, click on the intervention you wish to modify, and then on "Edit intervention".

Click on the "update intervention" button to save your changes.

You can also plan preventive and corrective maintenance interventions on the Maintenance Planning Dashboard by following the steps described in this article.

As a Railnova admin, you can search for interventions in the administration panel, in Railfleet under the section Maintenance data and Interventions.

Adding maintenance events to an intervention in progress

When an intervention has already started, you can still add maintenance events to it. This way, you can handle these events during the intervention that's currently in progress instead of planning them for the next intervention.

To add an event to an intervention that's currently in progress, click on the intervention you wish to add the new maintenance event to.

A form containing all the information about the intervention will then pop up. Scroll down until you see a blue "Add a new event" button, and click on it. Use the drop-down menu to search the open events for the one you want to add to this intervention, then click on "Add this event".

If there are no open events for the asset, you can create one by clicking on "Create a new event".

The maintenance event will then appear in the list with the other maintenance events that are part of the intervention.

Closing an intervention

To do so, go to the Interventions section under the detailed view of the asset, then select the intervention you wish to close.

A new pop-up window containing all the intervention details will appear. Close the events that have been performed during the intervention by clicking on "close", or "keep open" if the event hasn't been done during the intervention. Once it is done, click on the blue "Close intervention" button. The events kept open will appear in the list of events on the "events" tab and can be planned for the next intervention.

Note that the system will not let you close the intervention if you haven't handled each event. Each one must either be closed or kept open.

The closed and cancelled interventions will be shown in the interventions overview of the corresponding asset:

Please note that a closed intervention can't be reopened. When an intervention is closed, maintenance notifications may have been sent, depending on the notification rules set up by your company or other companies the asset is shared with. Reopening an intervention wouldn't send any notification, which could lead to misunderstandings and confusion.
If you close an intervention by mistake, please create a new intervention with the maintenance events that should take place (preventive and/or corrective). That way, if the appropriate notification rule is set up, all concerned parties will be informed that a new intervention was opened for the asset.

Cancelling an intervention

If, for some reason, you need to cancel an intervention, you can do so in the details view of the intervention in question: select the intervention from the list on the Intervention Dashboard, and a pop-up window will open. Click on the red "Cancel intervention" button in the upper right corner:

A pop-up window will appear on your screen asking if you're sure you want to cancel this intervention. Click yes if you would like to proceed in cancelling the intervention. Click no, if you would like to stop proceeding and don't want to cancel the intervention.

The cancelled intervention will be shown in the interventions overview of the corresponding asset. The events that were part of the intervention will become unplanned and shown as opened in the events overview of the asset. If needed, you can now plan these events for a new intervention again.

Please note that you can't cancel an intervention if an event that is part of the intervention has already been closed. In this case, the "Cancel intervention" button isn't displayed, and you can only either edit or close the intervention.


Do you still have questions? Go to the Railnova platform and click "Contact us" for help!

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