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Live data configuration

Configure the live data on the operational dashboard and monitoring page

Updated over a week ago

Live data configuration can only be set up and created by a company administrator. If your company is "free plan", you don't have administrator access, and you can't set up or manage live data configurations.

However, you can still view this data as a graph in the Data Inspector, as explained in this article.

If your company has set up and assigned a live data configuration to the assets visible for your company, you can see live telematic values on the Operational Dashboard and the Live Monitoring pages, which give you a real-time view of the condition of your rolling stock.

As an administrator on the Railnova platform, you can easily customize the data you display in those sections.

Creating a new data configuration

To create a new data configuration, log in to your Railnova account and go to the admin panel.

Next, go to the “Railgenius” section, "Data configurator", and select "Data configurations". On the next page, you’ll get an overview of the existing data configurations, and you can create new ones. To do so, click on the green “Add Data configuration” button on the right-hand side of the page.

A new page will open, where you can fill out the data configuration details and add all the fields you wish to show on the operational dashboard and the Monitoring page.

First, give your configuration a name, such as the type of the asset, “G1000," "BR187," etc.

Then, you can start adding fields to your configuration.

Important note: The message type and the path must exist for the asset(s) you want to create the configuration for (merged, telematic,...). Otherwise, no data will be displayed.

If you're unsure if the message type is available for the chosen asset/asset type, please go to the "Telematics data" module, select the asset, and check under "message type" which message types are available and which columns are available in the relevant message type.

  • Message type: this is the type of message where the information you want to show can be found (e.g. telematic messages, fault codes, MVB rule engine, etc.). You can find the exact naming of the message type on the Telematics Data page.

  • Path: the path to the field that contains the specific information you wish to display (e.g. V_TRAIN, fuel_gauge, main_battery). This path is the name of the column in the message type on the telematics data page.

  • Name: this is the name that will be visible on the Operational Dashboard and Live Monitoring page. If you enter the name in multiple languages, the version that will be shown to the user will correspond with his or her language choice. You can always go back to your configuration and edit it if you wish to change the name later.

  • Unit: In this field, you can enter the unit of the value on the Operational Dashboard and Monitoring page (e.g. km/h, °C, m, bar etc.) This field is not mandatory. There are two special cases:

  1. If the chosen unit is "%" then it is assumed the value lies within the [0, 100] range, and the field will be rendered as a "gauge",

  2. If the unit is "bool", then it is assumed the value is true/false (e.g. 1/0), and on/off will be rendered on the Operational Dashboard and Monitoring page.

  • Low threshold and high threshold: these are the lowest and highest values that are acceptable. When a value goes below the low threshold, above the high threshold or is somewhere in between both thresholds, it is displayed in the colour corresponding to its severity (good, warning or danger).

  • Colours: there are five possible colours:

    Grey: the field on the dashboard and Monitoring page will turn grey when the information is older than one hour (default setting).
    Green: the value is within a safe range (good).
    Yellow: the value is within the warning range (warning).
    Red: the value is outside both the safe and warning ranges (danger).
    Blue: the value is neither good nor bad, no range is associated with it, and it is purely informational (km counter, for instance).

The colour or "severity" is computed like this:

For numeric values:

  • value <= low_threshold: low colour

  • low_threshold < value <= high_threshold: mid colour

  • high_threshold < value: high colour

For bool values:

  • true/1: low colour

  • false/0: high colour

  • Expiration delay: If the data of a specific field hasn’t been updated for an hour, the field will turn grey. If you wish to change this time frame to 30 minutes or 2 hours, for instance, you can do so in the “Expiration delay” field.

  • Min width: By default, all columns on the Live monitoring page will have the same width. However, if you wish to modify the width for one of the columns (because the default width takes up too much space, for example), you can do so here.

  • Show on...: All four boxes are checked by default, but you can choose where this information should be shown - on the Live monitoring page, in Rule engine alerts, on the Operational dashboard and/or on the Data inspector.

Once you’ve configured a field, you can either add more fields or save the data configuration by clicking on the blue “Save” button at the right-hand side of the page.

Deleting a field config

If you want to delete a field config, tick its "Delete" box, then click on the "Save" button.

Assigning a data configuration to an asset

After you’ve saved your data configuration, you can assign it to your assets.

Please note that you can apply only one data configuration to an asset, but the same data configuration can be applied to multiple assets.

Go to the Railnova admin panel, and head over to the “Assets” section. On the next page, you’ll see an overview of all the assets you have access to. One of the columns in the overview is named “Data config for user's company”.

If this column is empty, click on the asset ID on the left to access the asset page.

Scroll down to the Live monitoring data config section and select the data config from the dropdown menu. Then click on the blue "Save" button on the top right.

Please note that data configurations are not shared between companies. If another company has a live data configuration for assets you also have access to, they cannot share it with your company. You will need to create and assign your own data configuration.


Do you still have questions? Go to the Railnova platform and click "Contact us" for help!

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