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Creating an asset preparation

How to set up asset preparations (servicing) in the admin panel

Updated over 2 years ago

If you need to document a quick servicing between shift changes or extensive servicing before and after an asset has operated, you can do so thanks to the asset preparation module.

The preparations are completely customisable according to your needs. Note that only the operator can configure the asset preparations available for the assets they operate. Asset preparations are not linked to the ECM or owner of the assets.

First, go to the admin panel, then to "Asset Preparation -> Preparation type". Click on the "Add preparation type" button on the top right of the page to add a new preparation type.

Give a name to your preparation type in at least one of the available languages, and add a periodicity in hours.

If the preparation depends on kilometres and not on hours, simply put 0 for the periodicity.

You can also select if this type of preparation should be done only for a specific asset class. If you leave it empty, it will be available for all asset classes.

Click "Save" to create your new preparation type. You will now need to define its steps.

Adding preparation steps

Preparation steps are what you need to do and check when you are on the asset. Go to "Asset Preparation -> Preparation steps", then click on the green button "Add preparation step".

Write a key (without spaces), and a label, then select to which preparation type this step belongs.

Please note that every step must have a different key within the same preparation type.

Then click on "Add another Preparation Conformity Check" to add what's to check on the asset.

Adding preparation level checks

If you want to add a step to check levels (of fuel, oil, etc.), you can either add these level checks to an existing preparation step or create a new one just for them.

In your preparation step, whether it's a new one or not, click on "Add another Preparation Level Check" for each level check you'd like to do.

Then click on "Save and continue editing" at the top right of your screen so that the system creates the level check forms correctly.

You can then click on "Edit" next to your preparation level check to define what should appear for each level check:

This will open the preparation level check form with pre-filled information (key, label and preparation step).

Add a preparation level entry (fuel, oil, sand, water, etc.), then add the preparation level options. This will be the scale that you can select when doing the preparation on the asset (e.g. empty, half full, full, etc.).

You can then go back to your preparation step to edit the other level checks, or simply go to "Preparation level checks" in the admin menu to access all the level checks and edit them:

You can add as many preparation steps and level checks as you need, separate them by topic or put them all in one preparation step.

An asset can have as many preparation types as you need.

Once you've finished creating the preparation with all the steps and/or level checks, you will be able to start it from the digital logbook.

How to start a preparation

Go to the digital logbook and select the asset. The available preparation type(s) will be listed below the restrictions and above the map.

Click on the preparation you wish to start and follow the steps.

Can't start an asset preparation?

You clicked on the preparation created by you or one of the other administrators of your company, but you can't start the asset preparation? This is because your current Railnova account does not have the necessary permission that allows you to perform this action, or the asset is shared with you, and its administrator didn't authorise asset preparations in the delegation.

Please check the permissions of your administrator role and modify them to allow the creation of asset preparations.

If the asset is shared with your company, please contact its administrator and ask them to change the sharing delegation to allow you to create preparations.

Starting an asset preparation

After you clicked on the asset preparation, you'll see at the top the different preparation steps (e.g. daily check, security check, etc.) that you've created.

On this page, you can select "Conform" or "Not conform" and add a note if needed. If you have a long checklist and everything is conform, simply click on "Mark everything as conform".

A page with level checks will look like this:

When you are finished with the input, don't forget to click on the blue "Next" button at the bottom right of your screen.

Once you arrive on the confirmation page, you'll see an overview of what's conform or not. You can also display the level checks or hide them, and you have the possibility to change the operational status if needed.

Click on "Finish" to complete the preparation and go back to the asset logbook page. You will see in the overview that the preparation has been done and how long it's still valid.

Once the time between two preparations of the same type is up, it will be marked on the digital logbook as "Expired".

Click on the preparation you want to start. You will see the results of the previous one (if available) and a button on the top right "Start the asset preparation":

You can then follow the steps to complete your new preparation.


Do you still have questions? Go to the Railnova platform and click "Contact us" for help!

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