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API Documentation: Counters

How to query the counters API, work with filtered and ordered data efficiently.

Updated this week

API Overview

This API endpoint provides data regarding counters for assets in the Railnova platform, such as kilometers and engine hours. The data is presented in a flattened structure, making it easier to consume. The endpoint allows filtering and ordering, and results are paginated using LinkHeader pagination.

Endpoint URL:


Method: GET


Basic authentication with valid Railnova platform user credentials is required.

API Details

Response Example:

"id": 6947,
"asset_id": 12963,
"asset_name": "Flying Scotsman",
"asset_uic": null,
"asset_class_id": 260,
"asset_class_name": "A1",
"is_immobilised": false,
"telematic_source_message": "gps_km",
"telematic_source_column": "period_km",
"name": "gps_km",
"aggregate": "increment",
"value": "2241.0",
"unit": "km",
"daily_average_30d": "365.0",
"last_update": "2024-09-15T09:00:00+01:00",
"component_type_id": null,
"component_type_name": null,
"component_id": null,
"component_name": null,
"component_serial": null,
"data_freshness_first_threshold": "15",
"data_freshness_second_threshold": "60"

Field Descriptions

  • id: Unique identifier for the counter

  • asset_id: Unique identifier for the associated asset (e.g., locomotive, wagon)

  • asset_name: Name of the asset (e.g., "Flying Scotsman").

  • asset_uic: UIC number for the asset, if available.

  • asset_class_id: Unique identifier for the class of the asset (e.g., 260 for A1).

  • asset_class_name: Name of the asset's class (e.g., "A1").

  • is_immobilised: Boolean value indicating whether the asset is currently immobilized or not.

  • telematic_source_message: Telematic source message related to the counter data (e.g., "gps_km").

  • telematic_source_column: Telematic source column that stores the specific counter data (e.g., "period_km").

  • name: Name of the counter (e.g., "gps_km").

  • aggregate: Aggregation method used for the counter value (options are "increment" and "absolute")

  • value: Current value of the counter (e.g., "2241.0" km).

  • unit: Unit of measurement for the counter value (e.g., "km" for kilometers).

  • daily_average_30d: Average daily increment for the counter over the last 30 days.

  • last_update: Date and time when the counter was last updated (ISO 8601 format).

  • component_type_id: Identifier for the type of component related to the counter, if applicable

  • component_type_name: Name of the component type related to the counter, if applicable.

  • component_id: Identifier for the specific component related to the counter, if applicable

  • component_name: Name of the specific component related to the counter, if applicable.

  • component_serial: Serial number of the component related to the counter, if applicable.

  • data_freshness_first_threshold: First threshold value for determining data freshness (e.g., after 15 days, the data might be considered stale).

  • data_freshness_second_threshold: Second threshold value for data freshness (e.g., after 60 days, data may require intervention).

Query Parameters

The following query parameters are supported for filtering the data:

  • asset_id: Filter by asset ID.

  • asset_uic: Filter by UIC number of the asset.

  • asset_class_id: Filter by asset class ID.

  • asset_class_name: Filter by asset class name (e.g., "Flying Scotsman").

  • asset_name: Filter by asset name (e.g., "A1").

  • telematic_source_message: Filter by telematics source message (e.g., "gps_km").

  • telematic_source_column: Filter by telematics source column (e.g., "period_km").

  • aggregate: Filter by aggregation type (e.g., "increment").

  • name: Filter by the name of the counter.

  • last_update__gt: Return only results where last_update is greater than a specified date (format: YYYY-MM-DD).

  • last_update__lt: Return only results where last_update is less than a specified date (format: YYYY-MM-DD).

Example of a filtered request:

GET https://{company}


Results can be ordered using the ordering query parameter. The following values are supported:

  • name: Orders results by the counter name.

  • last_update_date: Orders results by the last update date.

  • daily_avg: Orders results by the daily average over the last 30 days.

  • counter_type__name: Orders results by counter type name.

  • asset__name: Orders results by asset name.

Example of an ordered request:

GET https://{company}

Ordering can be reversed by adding "-" in front of the ordering value.

Example of an ordered request (reversed):

GET https://{company}


The API uses LinkHeader pagination.

Error Codes

  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication failed. Check the username and password.

  • 400 Bad Request: The request parameters are invalid.

  • 404 Not Found: The resource requested could not be found.


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